The month of blessing walks through the door,
To draw the curtain and wipe the floor,
of the heart which chose to remain close,
And not let the wave of love reach the shore.
It speaks in the language of hope,
To tell you ,That after dawn arrives dusk,
to reward you for your patience and hard work!
So,spread the message,of Equality and Kindness,
Because His, Every creation, is His greatness,
Who vows to bow to his vastness!
While Sitting together and reciting the verse,
Appreciating the hunger and thirst!
Glorifying the magnificence of the"Master of World".
The gates of prayers walk through the eyes,
To illuminate the darkness with your words divine.
It teaches the goodness that enfolds,
In sharing His blessings,a bread or a loaf.
The flag of peace ,kindness and love,
with piety & empathy praises the lord ,
to cleanse the human heart and make it pure.
The month of 'Ramzaan' glorifies the goodness,
Concealed in each one's self!
So,Gaze through ,to embrace it,
and feel 'The Spiritual Bliss!
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