Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Last Ritual

He laid there in contempt on the plinth,
Resting on the floor of sand in the wind.
His only fault was he did not speak,
When goons chased him for who he is.
Away from home ,after a day's labor,
He contemplated in smile for his work.

Children will love this,his thoughts raced,
The new dress will glow my wife's face.
Today no fights,no sadness will prevail,
I have a special treat too in their way,
A happy dinner to end this beautiful day!
He planned his tomorrow and his month,
How he shall manage this huge sum.

His serene thought was hit by a storm,
Bleeding with it, his happiness was gone.
No no,its not beef he pleaded to the mob,
But his scream was chopped with iron rod,
Pooled in the blood was his gifts and love,
Draining too far to fetch a shore across!
Alas, only silence shuddered in grief...
Lynched by mob was killed over beef!
Something which he never carried with him!

Drains the media and the countless shares,
A few days later nobody comes to care!
Somewhere far off another man is lynched,
No time later this sets a trend and routine..
To which now falls deaf ear,far is justice!

And We,
We are quiet because its not our story,
The Incredible India is now growing,
To paint its house with innocent blood,
Selling its conscience to "sickulars"!
The last ritual pleaded of mercy,
 On Humans and Humanity.


P.S:The poem is referred to one aspect of communism however i strongly condemn any human being killed irrespective of religion,caste,creed.The boundaries and the walls of hatred is lowest intellectual human form one can fall to.Its sad to see so called reformers sailing in to such beliefs.I hope a large number of people awaken to call of peace and defeat such cowards,a dream of millions ,easy to type but difficult to reach.Definitely not impossible!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Read and re read your own words...

Writing is a bliss ,its an escape,just like a musicians fingers lucidly move on the string to bring a melody,i think a writers thoughts also liberate on to the paper/keyboard,knowing no boundaries, blushing innocently holding each other to form a piece that stands very dear to the creator of it.
What is more beautiful than writing? for a poet/author ,i am very sure is ,stands his work closest.Reading ones words is a feeling beyond explanation.

Today i am on my blog after months of break.May be i was preoccupied with too many things,juggling through a turmoil of events.Although i could not write much ,but i rescued my thoughts by reading my own work.
Very often,i scroll through my write ups,stare at them,fall in love with each of the words and smile at it with the love that only a mother holds after caressing her little one.This may sound crazy and narcisstic, i dont know how many people share this feeling but it exist and i am sure it is normal.There is no pride but an affection,because when you write,your words are a part of you.
You need not excel in the creative arts,writing i personally believe should never be meant to compete with any one else rather compete with your own skills and improve it.Fabricated work is superficial ,what comes naturally is dearest.Feel it by your self,each of you can string your thoughts and mold it to form a beautiful palace,a collection of your thoughts.

So,as i was saying,with no pride i read my poems,smile crazily and wonder,has it come from me? When someone questions me 'which is your favorite one?'I am perplexed and it becomes a decision of life which i am never successful at,i cant differentiate among my kids.They all have a special remembrance and memory in my life. My each write up is dear to me,when i am lowest,i read my work than rescuing to another set of inspirational talks.My inspiration comes from my poems and articles as they are a reflection of my upbringing,my belief and everything i come in contact with everyday.Its mirror of what i am and will be learning.
So don't give a thought the next moment you low or full of optimism,just pick up a pen and scribble on your paper,let your thoughts breathe the freshness of your words.A while later ,read them all and tell me what you felt....

Reality strikes..?

A Great Man Dr. A P J Kalam states"Dreams is not what you see while asleep,Dream is that doesn't let you go to sleep !
A wise thought, definitely, the process of conquering your aspirations is not a journey of smooth ride.
How many of you have introspected yourself to know a little better than others ,than the ones who influence you in a miraculous way.
Are you a dreamer? If Yes,Are you lost in your merry world,building the bricks of gold,laying the foundation of your choice and running the town in unison with your comfort. If So,you need to get up and brush your thoughts and prepare your mind to welcome the dawn before it hits you with the sharp rays on your face.
Reality is far beyond our thoughts,The era of 21st century is rising with the falls in our quality of life.We are running to chase an end that is uncertain,making our lives complex bunch of an entangled set of wires that gets difficult to sort with each attempt.
What complicates our life? A brick of gold? or the foundation of our choice?And when we cant run the town in unison with our comfort...What happens, we loose ourselves!Fade our life in the world that will never exist and then find an alternate way of exit...That's not your dream.
I have seen people put in efforts,I have seen people fall to get up,rise and fall again just to rise once more,
I know of the castles formed of sweat,countless efforts and sleepless night
I have seen the face of success smiling amidst lost battles ...I have seen dream in all of their eyes..I have seen them grow and rise!
So,What do they all say, they all have different words but one thought- "Your dream lies in your insight,in your knowledge of self"!
Know your self,Know your potential, You have much more than you know. Explore and discover your skills,Lay your foundation on it.Pick up the hardest brick and place it atop,Walk a mile to get it ,let not your comfort run the town but your instinct,your hard work and above all your patience.Embrace and respect failure,as its an opportunity to refine your skill.

Move,Trot,Crawl just keep heading,do not stop ,if need arises change your direction but never take a U turn.
Don't leave any stone un-turned you never know which one has a pearl hidden.

Gaze beyond your closed eyes and write each moment in your heart ,Success is not measured in wealth and name,it is not carved by merely reaching a cliff but conquering the base.
Success is giving justice to your self and your life.
Live each moment,Smile a wide,Stay Happy and Keep Moving.
Life is beautiful!


I stopped Writing...

Why i stopped writing and then withered down with no words to carve  on the narrations of  so many perspectives At times it is therapeutic a...